What is a marketing unicorn?
Astrid Fackelmann is director of stakeholders at acQuire Technology Solutions and today she joins Nic and Sarah on Brand Newsroom to discuss marketing unicorns. She also provides her valuable insight into branding and brand strategy.
Brand Newsroom is the podcast for anyone who has a say in how companies are communicating — covering marketing, content marketing, public relations, media, branding and advertising.
Here are some key take-outs:
- Unicorns come in all shapes and sizes. What they have in common, though, is the ability to apply their skills to a broad range of areas.
- Generalist-specialists are always thinking about the company strategy, the bottom line, and future opportunities to grow the business.
- Successful businesses are those that keep marketing at the forefront. There’s no reason why marketers should not take centre stage along with the CEO, CTO and CFO.
- If you want to be a unicorn, avoid niche tunnel vision. You need to be able to look at the big picture and grasp that it isn’t just about marketing; it’s about deeply understanding what the business is trying to achieve.
Here are the links you might need
- Find out more about acQuire, a company that specialises in managing geoscientific data.
On My Desk
- Sarah mentioned the website and e-newsletter Brain Pickings.
- Nic’s recommendation this week was SpacetoCo.
- Astrid suggested the books The Brand Gap by Marty Neumeier, and Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence.
Have you heard the one about…
Recently Sarah and Nic discussed podcasting with guest Chris Ashmore, of BE Podcasting.
And in this episode, they were joined by Jonathan Crossfield for a chat about authenticity.
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