BNR 94: The Lessons from Brexit for Communicators

Jun 28, 2016
Brand Newsroom Marketing Podcast

Britain has voted to leave the European Union. It’s one of the biggest global political shake-ups since the fall of the Berlin Wall, precipitating a huge fall on stock markets and the value of the British Pound.

With many British voters already experiencing “Regrexit” after choosing “Brexit”, what are the lessons for communicators?

Here are some key take-outs:

“The politicians didn’t do their job informing the public. There was a lot of pandering, a lot of divisive commentary and what happened is their audience didn’t understand the repercussions. — Sarah

“If after the Brexit vote people are Googling ‘what is the EU?’ it suggests to me that those fundamental messages were not getting through. They were too busy talking about X when the audience wanted to hear about Y.” — James

“All campaigns today are about saturation of message; it’s about scare campaigns, the focus on the negative. No one is inspiring; they’re always making us feel negative — and they’re meant to be the ones with the solutions.” — James

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