BNR 95: How to generate editorial ideas like a journalist

Jul 6, 2016
Brand Newsroom Marketing Podcast

One of the most common questions journalists get asked is ‘where do you get all your stories from?’ Generating story ideas is a reporter’s bread and butter and these days it’s also an essential skill for the content marketer. Today, the Brand Newsroom chats with longtime reporter (and content marketer) Dan Hatch about how to generate article ideas like a journalist.

Here are some key take-outs

“Go away and ask people in your own team, in your own business. They’re the greatest resource when it comes to generating ideas”. — Nic

“Your clients may not realise the really good stories they’re sitting on either because they don’t have the editorial experience, or ‘news sense’, or they’re too close to it and they just don’t see it”. — Dan

“I keep a folder with original research, survey results, and so on – these are coming out all through the year. If you go back and really mine through those, you can draw so many stories from them — beyond the headline figures”. — Sarah

Have you heard the one about…

Recently Dan joined James, Sarah and Nic to talk about managing editorial workflow.

And here’s a discussion with reporter Simon Holt about how to pitch to journalists.

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