BNR 81: The Most Effective Social Media for B2B Will Surprise You

Mar 29, 2016
Brand Newsroom Marketing Podcast

There is new research out this week that will shake up old notions about how business-to-business brands should be using social media.

A report by intelligence platform TrackMaven shows LinkedIn isn’t the most effective platform to drive engagement — but you might be surprised to learn which platform actually performs best.

TrackMaven’s report analysed 12 months of content from 316 leading B2B brands on five key social networks: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. In this week’s Brand Newsroom James, Sarah and Nic take a look at the findings.

Here are some key take-outs:

“Everybody’s on LinkedIn but that’s not where they’re getting the most influence from… the big news is that where people are getting the most effective use of their networks is on Instagram. What was really disappointing to me was to see how ineffective Twitter is.” — Sarah

 “I’m only using three of those platforms for business myself. We have a Pinterest account but it’s dormant. I think a lot of businesses out there will be feeling they’ve been pushed into these areas but they don’t necessarily use them or use them effectively. — Nic

“People listening to this will say ‘well our attention normally would be on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook’. And when it comes to the top five, they’re the bottom three.” — James

Here are the links you might need

Have you heard the one about…

Hear what marketing guru Jeff Bullas had to say about social media and blogging when he caught up with the Brand Newsroom team at Content Marketing World Sydney…

Recently the team also had a discussion about how to market on a shoestring budget…

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