Content Inc.: Essential Small Business Marketing Advice

Content Inc by Joe Pulizzi
Sep 7, 2015
Content Marketing

Would you like to know how to grow your business without big budgets or a lot of resources? Joe Pulizzi’s new book, Content Inc.: How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create Radically Successful Businesses, shows how you can find the sweet spot between passion and skills to successfully market your business. I’ve read an advanced copy and can say it’s the perfect book for Australian business owners and marketing managers.

Australia powered by small business

It’s no secret small business fuels the Australian economy. Most organisations are operating marketing departments with one or two people. Many marketing managers are wearing multiple hats, doing everything from writing copy, creating presentations and running internal workshops to ensure everyone in the organisation is staying ‘on message’. They often operate on a shoestring budget but have enterprise-size goals and the KPIs to go with them.

Book cover of Content IncPerfect for marketing managers in small business

That’s why Pulizzi’s book is so great. It’s designed specifically for small business and entrepreneurs. It’s perfect for those:

Content Inc. coaches and coaxes you to consider the intersection of your passions and your skills. It gives advice on how you can then differentiate your company even further by offering content no one else is currently providing.

Pulizzi is not vague or visionary in his book, traits too often seen in business guides. He’s extremely prescriptive, offering numerous worksheets and templates to help you put his advice into action. Everything is simply laid out and the book is easy to read. He has a knack for removing complexity without dumbing anything down. You come away feeling totally empowered about your ability to implement a content marketing strategy for your company.

Proven method of marketing

And why wouldn’t you? Content Inc. is brimming with case studies of both B2B and B2C companies around the world who have successfully grown their business with content marketing. He didn’t invent a method for marketing then set out to prove it works with examples. He started with successful small businesses and entrepreneurs and searched for the common elements in them. In other words, he reverse engineered successful companies and presented the findings in a tidy little package anyone can use.

While Pulizzi is completely inspirational, he’s also direct about the effort and persistence required to implement and maintain a content marketing initiative. He states outright that content marketing is hard. But he also observes using content is cost-effective and can be done with little or no budget. And he makes sure you understand where you should invest your efforts and what you should avoid doing.

Don’t wait; buy the book now

If you’re a marketing manager in a small business or running your own business, you’ll want to buy Content Inc. and read it right away. It has everything you need to help move your business along a growth path. He’s backed up all his advice with useful worksheets and numerous case studies from companies who have used content marketing successfully. The book is being launched at Content Marketing World in Cleveland, Ohio, this week and is available in both hardcover and Kindle formats.

If you’d like to talk to us about content marketing for your small or medium business, get in touch. We work every day to help our customers grow their business and create valuable assets from their marketing investment.


What content are you using to grow your business?


by Sarah Mitchell