Should Your Business Use Multiple Content Brands?

Jugglers practicing in the park
Aug 26, 2015
Content Marketing

How does your organisation implement content marketing? Most brands will create content from social accounts using one shared name. However, for some businesses, one content brand is simply not enough.

In Brand Newsroom episode 47, the team interviewed Ryan Northover of Ventura Home Group. Ventura are an example of a company with multiple content brands and leveraged them to achieve greater success for their business

So how do you know if multiple content brands are right for your business? There are specific circumstances under which businesses can benefit from multiple content brands. To find out if you fit the criteria, try answering these questions.

What is your audience like?

Do you have several distinct audiences with separate demographics, psychographics and behaviours? If so, multiple content brands may be the right choice for you. Several defined, but separate audiences are extremely hard to communicate to meaningfully through the one voice and same piece of content.

If you have several defined audiences but there is significant cross over, you may not be the best fit for multiple content brands. Separate content brands may confuse your audience and dilute the power of your message.

What is the size of your company?

Generally speaking, multiple content brands are better suited to larger organisations. This is because larger organisations tend to operate over several geographic regions. They typically have a wider range of customer offerings, and these factors tend to be good categories by which to segment your audience.

That said, not every large company will suit multiple content brands. If your organisation publishes at a relatively low frequency due to long-term projects or other factors, your customers may not mind receiving multiple sets of information.

Do you have the means?

It is unrealistic to expect one staff member to be solely responsible for multiple content brands, no matter how capable they are. You increase the workload by creating double the content, double the social media posts, and engaging with double the audience.

It’s vital your organisation understands the extra money, time and resources required to run a content brand before they decide to take the plunge.

What are your goals?

To ensure the seamless operation of multiple content brands, you need a documented strategy for each one. Without separately defined objectives and tactics, you’re not likely to achieve maximum effectiveness.

If the goals for your content brands are similar, multiple content brands may be unnecessary. Multiple content brands are best suited to audiences needing to be lead to different destinations based on their interests.

Creating multiple content brands is a strategic decision that can work very well for the right type of organisation. It isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Before you decide to venture down this path, be sure to carefully weigh the potential risks and benefits to ensure it’s the right choice for you.

For expert advice on your content marketing decisions, contact Lush – The Content Agency. We have experience creating content strategies for all kinds of organisations.

By Carla Young


Image Credit: Gandini Juggling by Dani Alvarez, Flickr