Content Marketing Effectiveness: Video Trumps Blogs, Case Studies, White Papers

video and film cameras with lenses
Oct 1, 2014
Content Marketing

NOTE: This blog is from 2014. For figures from 2018, check out this more up-to-date post.

New research released today by the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs shows the increasing influence video has on content marketing. In the B2B Content Marketing 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends — North America report, 1,820 respondents from North America completed the fifth annual survey.

Documented content strategies are key to success

The most significant finding was the importance of having a documented content strategy. The marketers who documented their strategy and referred to it often enjoyed significantly better results than those with no content strategy or one that wasn’t documented.

chart comparing effectiveness of documented content strategies with verbal or no strategy

Video continues to influence

Video continues to be one of the most effective content marketing tactics with only in-person events and webinars rating as more successful. Surprisingly, video has proven more effective by B2B content marketers than the workhorses of most content marketing strategies: blogs, white papers and case studies.

bar chart showing the effectiveness of content marketing efforts by tactic

Video also influences the current challenges and initiatives of content marketers with 86% creating more visual content now and within the next 12 months.

ring chart showing the percentages of content marketers working on visual content initiatives


Additional insight into B2B marketing

The research contains more granular information about B2B marketing than in previous years. I encourage you to take some time and review the report in detail. I’m going to be attending the MarketingProfs 2014 B2B Marketing Forum in Boston next week and look forward to additional insight into this research.  I’ll be sure to report back.

If you’re a B2C marketer, new research is being released any day now so stay tuned.

If you’d like to find out more

If you’d like to know how you can add video into your content marketing mix or want help creating a content marketing strategy, give us a call. We have a wealth of experience in both these areas and are always happy to have a chat.